Inherits from NSManagedObject
Declared in TICDSSynchronizedManagedObject.h


Any managed objects you wish to synchronize must be instances of TICDSSynchronizedManagedObject.

This means that you need to change any custom managed object subclasses to inherit from TICDSSynchronizedManagedObject rather than NSManagedObject, or simply specify TICDSSynchronizedManagedObject in the classname for the entity in the model editor.

TICDSSynchronizedManagedObject overrides awakeFromInsert to set the ticdsSyncID to a unique string, and willSave to handle the sync-change object creation. If your custom subclasses override either of these methods, you must invoke super.

Your entity description must include a string attribute called ticdsSyncID, which the framework will use to identify each managed object instance uniquely.