Operation Diagrams

Diagrams showing task and execution flow for the underlying TICoreDataSync operations

The generic operation objects used by TICoreDataSync to perform synchronization tasks follow a very specific sequence.


The TICDSApplicationRegistrationOperation class deals with registering an application for the first time, checking for or enabling encryption, and registering a client for the first time.

The TICDSApplicationRegistrationOperation class diagram


The TICDSDocumentRegistrationOperation class deals with registering a document, or a client for that document for the first time.

The TICDSDocumentRegistrationOperation class diagram


The TICDSListOfPreviouslySynchronizedDocumentsOperation class deals with fetching a list of the documents for which synchronization data exists on the remote (i.e., that have previously been registered for synchronization by a client).

The TICDSListOfPreviouslySynchronizedDocumentsOperation class diagram


The TICDSWholeStoreUploadOperation class deals with uploading the entire document store file from a client.

The TICDSWholeStoreUploadOperation class diagram


The TICDSWholeStoreDownloadOperation class deals with downloading the entire document store file for a client.

The TICDSWholeStoreDownloadOperation class diagram


The TICDSSynchronizationOperation class deals with synchronizing changes between clients.

The TICDSSynchronizationOperation class diagram


The TICDSVacuumOperation class deals with cleaning up remote synchronization files that are no longer needed by registered clients (such as sets of changes that have been applied by all clients).

The TICDSVacuumOperation class diagram


The TICDSDocumentDeletionOperation class deals with deleting all the remote sync files for a given document.

The TICDSDocumentDeletionOperation class diagram


The TICDSListOfApplicationRegisteredClientsOperation class deals with fetching a list of clients that are registered to synchronize with an application.

The TICDSListOfApplicationRegisteredClientsOperation class diagram


The TICDSListOfDocumentRegisteredClientsOperation class deals with fetching a list of clients that are registered to synchronize with a document.

The TICDSListOfDocumentRegisteredClientsOperation class diagram


The TICDSDocumentClientDeletionOperation class deals with the deletion of the directories used by a client to synchronize with a document.

The TICDSDocumentClientDeletionOperation class diagram



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